Managing IP: Moving innovation and IP management to centre stage


By definition, intellectual property protects intangibles: unseen assets that may well represent the bulk of the value in your business. The risk of course is that IP is ‘out of sight, out of mind’ for most business owners and executives. So how do you make the unseen seen? How do you know what threats are there, or what your major priorities should be? How do you set budgets for the protection and management of assets that drive your profitability, but which may not appear on your balance sheet in a meaningful way? How do you identify opportunities to monetise assets which you may not be using?

At Epiphany Law®, we believe that answering these questions starts with finding ways to visualise your IP position in ways that bring intellectual property to the front of mind for both operational and strategic purposes. Our IP Management solutions build on our other offerings – IP audits, monitoring, registrations and the like – to enable you to reach the next level.

Our IP Management solutions include:

  • Helping you to align IP strategy with overarching corporate strategy
  • Helping you to understand and measure the value of the IP you create and use
  • Providing tools that help you to measure the effectiveness of your R&D efforts
  • Providing tools that enable you to understand your IP position and to track progress against measurable tools
You’ve got to think about big things while you’re doing the small things, so that all the small things go in the right direction.
— Alvin Toffler, Writer and Futurist