When conducting trademark searches, you might decide to look only for names that are ‘exact matches’ of the one that you're considering using. Alternatively, you might choose to cast your net wider, and look for different names that are similar but not identical to your own. In this article, we consider the limitations of looking only for exact matches.
Read MoreWhen you’re looking for something, it seems obvious to say that you need to look in all the right places. The same is true of trademark searches, where (whether you’re searching for yourself, or are paying someone else to search for you) you need to make sure that all of the correct databases are being searched. You should never be afraid to ask questions about the extent of paid searches, and this article gives you an idea of what questions to ask.
Read MoreRegistering a trademark is by far the easiest way to protect your brand. However, it is possible to acquire certain unregistered rights by merely using a brand in the market place over time. These rights include the right to prevent others from registering ‘substantially identical’ or ‘deceptively similar’ marks, and a right to sue unregistered trademark owners for something called ‘passing off’.
Read MoreBefore conducting any trademark search, it’s important to know the reason for your search. It’s only then that you’ll be able to work out whether the particular searches that you’re planning to do will be adequate for your needs. This post identifies the two main reasons for searching, and what kinds of searches you should be thinking about doing.
Read MoreAt the start of a new business venture or before the launch of a new product or brand, business owners sometimes question the need for a trademark search. Well, there are a few good reasons not to skip that step, and we summarise them in this article.
Read MoreIf you've filed a standard trademark application, it will automatically come up for examination by an IP Australia Trademark Examiner, usually within two to four months of filing (unless expedited). What happens next can be difficult to predict, but in this article we’ll try to give you a sense of how things could go.
Read MoreIt might sound obvious, but trademark searches aren’t worth anything to you unless you can use the results. One important thing to ask before you order a trademark search from anybody is this: ‘What will I be given when the search has been completed?’
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